

Fresno / Clovis 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting

First Armenian Presbyterian Church invites you to join us for the kick-off of the annual Fresno/Clovis 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting. As a founding church of this powerful city-wide event, we are honored to worship with you in our sanctuary. Over 21 days, different churches host services, uniting hundreds of Central Valley believers in prayer and worship.


Highlight Reel

Video Credits – Samuel Martins, Cornerstone Church



Christian Education

At FAPC, we believe in laying a strong biblical foundation for our children. Our Sunday School classes provide age-appropriate lessons designed to help kids explore God’s Word, learn Bible stories, and develop a personal relationship with Jesus.

Vacation Bible School

Our annual VBS is a weeklong adventure where children dive deep into Scripture through interactive lessons, games, and crafts. It’s a fun-filled experience that reinforces biblical truths in a memorable and engaging way.

Rally Sunday

Rally Sunday is our annual kickoff event, welcoming families back for a new year of ministry. It’s a day packed with fun activities like carnival games, delicious food, and opportunities to connect with other families. Children can register for Sunday School and explore upcoming programs, while parents learn about various ministries at FAPC. It’s a great way to celebrate community and get everyone excited for the year ahead.

Youth Bible Study

For older children, we offer Bible study sessions that encourage them to ask questions, explore their faith, and learn how to apply biblical principles to their everyday lives. These studies are designed to be relevant and relatable, fostering spiritual growth and community.

Youth Camps

We believe in the power of immersive experiences. Our youth camps provide children with the opportunity to step away from their routines, build friendships, and grow in their faith in a fun, outdoor setting. Through camp activities, worship, and reflection, children gain a deeper understanding of God’s love and purpose for their lives.

Holiday Events

Our holiday events bring the story of Christ to life in exciting and meaningful ways. From the Christmas Play and Christmas Outreach to the Easter Egg Hunt and Easter Lessons, children celebrate and learn the true meaning of these holidays. They also play a special role in our Palm Sunday Services, waving palm branches and singing songs to commemorate Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem.

Educational & Fun


Our Pre-Kindergarten classes offer a nurturing introduction to faith through storytelling, music, and creative play. Children begin to explore the love of Jesus with age-appropriate Bible stories, songs, and fun activities designed to foster a sense of belonging. We also place a strong emphasis on developing early musical skills, helping children learn songs that reinforce biblical themes. These early experiences lay the foundation for spiritual growth as children move into the next stages of Christian education.

Bible-Based & Exciting


In our K-2nd grade classes, children start to explore Bible stories more deeply while building friendships in a fun, engaging environment. Lessons are interactive and tailored to their developmental level, with hands-on activities that bring biblical principles to life. Camp Arev offers opportunities for this age group, with camps specifically designed for grades 2-4, where children experience faith-building adventures in the great outdoors. Through nature, worship, and community, they discover God’s love in a new and exciting way.

Engaging & Relatable


Our 3rd-5th grade classes are designed to deepen children’s understanding of Scripture and encourage them to apply biblical lessons to their own lives. With a focus on discussion, teamwork, and leadership, children are encouraged to think critically about their faith. At Camp Arev, children in grades 4-6 participate in a more immersive camp experience that blends outdoor activities with spiritual reflection and growth. These camps provide an ideal setting for students to form lasting friendships and strengthen their relationship with God.



Our Children’s Ministry team comprises of our Pastor/Ruling Elder, Ministry Director, Coordinators, and Teachers.


How to Get Involved

Our Children’s Ministry thrives because of the dedication and involvement of our volunteers. Parents, grandparents, and church members are all welcome to join us in making these programs possible. Whether you’d like to teach a Sunday School class, help organize a special event, or serve as a camp counselor or staff, we’d love to have you be a part of this ministry.

For more information or to volunteer, please call our church office at (559) 237-6638 or click here.


Ministry & Church Events

Next Event

The Lord's Supper & Baptism Leadership Class
  • 12:15 PM
  • FAPC Fellowship Hall 430 S. 1st Street, Fresno, CA 93702
February 16, 2025

The Lord’s Supper & Baptism Leadership Class with Luncheon (Session I)

Join us as we delve deeper into the essentials vs nonessentials in the Presbyterian Church. We will...

Upcoming Event

Mar 16 2025
March 16, 2025
  • 12:15 PM
  • FAPC Fellowship Hall 430 S. 1st Street, Fresno, CA 93702

New Members Class

Members of our church have the oppotunity to serve as an elder, committee chair, or deacon...


Frequently Asked Questions
People often say that prayer is just talking to God as you would to anyone else. It’s true that a relationship with God contains many of the same ingredients as other relationships. But there is at least one unique factor: you can’t rely on the senses of sight, sound or touch to connect with God. But prayer is more about talking with God than talking to Him.
First, to be a Christian is to believe God invited you into a personal relationship with Him and to accept that invitation. Saying that you can experience being a Christian in the way God intended without learning to pray is like saying you can be happily married or have a deep friendship without regular communication. But maybe the question is not why should Christians pray, but why should they want to? Here are four great reasons to pray as a Christian:

  • You want to tell God how much you love Him and why.
  • You need to say “I’m sorry” for specific actions or attitudes.
  • You want to thank God.
  • You want to bring a concern to God and invite Him to help.
First, know that there is no secret formula to pray. God simply delights in us coming to Him in honesty. You can start by addressing God directly in a way that acknowledges His uniqueness. People will say things such as, “Father God,” “Heavenly Father” or “Almighty God.” How you choose to address Him will remind you of who you are talking to and what He represents in your life.
Anytime and anywhere can work, but it’s helpful to find a distraction-free time and place if possible. God deserves your focused attention, and you might find it harder to listen to Him in a busy place. Some people create a space in their homes, like a “prayer closet,” for this purpose. Others will choose a favorite park or coffee shop.
You can bow, kneel, stand or walk around when you pray. God will hear you whatever you do, so choose a position that helps you focus. Kneeling or bowing your head are great ways to focus your body and mind on God. It’s a symbolic way to demonstrate that you respect His authority. John 17:1 also describes Jesus looking toward Heaven when praying.
This is completely up to you. Choose one or try praying to each member of the Trinity at different times, because they all listen to you. If you are a Christian, the Holy Spirit is the presence of God living within you. So you can address Him directly, with confidence that He is as close as He could be. Romans 8:26 says, “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.”.
Depending on your comfort level and situation, you can choose whether to pray out loud or silently. Over time, you will likely grow more comfortable praying out loud. If you are praying for someone who is physically present with you, it might encourage them to hear your faith expressed through your prayers. But if you find praying silently allows you to focus more on God, that’s okay too. Be sure to allow silence too so you can listen to God. You’ll find it harder to hear what He is saying if you are doing all the talking.
A common way to end a prayer is by saying something like, “In the name of Jesus, amen.” Similar to how you began your prayer, close it by recognizing that God is more than a force, unnamed higher power or idea. God is a person who chooses to be present in your life. He is the only person with the authority and ability to answer your prayers. What you say can also act as a reminder that God hears your prayers and that you trust Him to know how to answer them best. You don’t need to close every prayer with a formal ending for God to take you seriously. God is a Father who always loves hearing from His children.

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