Grateful Hearts: Giving Thanks to the Lord for His Enduring Love
“Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His love endures forever." - Chronicles 16:34 (NIV)
I LOVE Thanksgiving! I love that our nation has a day devoted to expressing gratitude to Someone greater than ourselves.
Celebrating Thanksgiving is my favorite “non-Jesus” holiday. Apart from rejoicing in the birth of Christ, His death and resurrection, and the gift of the Holy Spirit, what could be better than giving thanks to God? It’s better than my birthday. Our anniversary and the children’s birthdays rate pretty high, but Thanksgiving tops them! Is 1 Chronicles 16:34 familiar? “Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.” (NIV)
I hope so! This exhortation to thank the Lord combined with its rationale—because He is good and His loyal love never fails—is repeated more frequently than any other command to praise. We find it ten times in the Psalms alone!
Sometimes it’s translated, “Oh give thanks to the Lord for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever.” (ESV) or “O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His loving kindness is everlasting.” (NASB)
We thank God because HE IS GOOD. Pause. Stop. Read that again.
Do you believe this? If we find ourselves struggling with gratitude, it may be that we’ve lost sight of His goodness. He is NEVER tempted by evil. His will for us is always good, always beneficial, and always a blessing—though frequently we give thanks by faith since what we see does not appear to be good or a blessing!
This brings us to the second reason we are to give thanks: because His love is never ending. His covenant love, His loyal love, His steadfast love, His hesed endures forever. That gives Him time to prove His goodness. Even though it may not look good now, we give thanks, not just for now, but forever by faith!
There is so much happening in our lives. I just re-read my June Mosaix column reflecting on my best friend’s passing. I miss him! I miss him, especially now, because we nearly always met to catch up during Thanksgiving. Not this year. I know that most all of you are facing some manner of grief.
God invites us—commands us—to give thanks, even in our broken, chaotic lives. I don’t believe I’m supposed to thank Him for Marty’s death. Despite my sorrow, I will thank Him and praise Him, for He is good and His unchanging, faithful love will always hold me tight. It’s the same for you too!
“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.” (NIV)
Happy Thanksgiving!
Because He lives
Rev. Greg Haroutunian